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 Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!

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Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Empty
MessageSujet: Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!   Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Icon_minitimeVen 18 Juil - 10:54

Voici le copier coller d'un texte trouvé sur le célèbre forum de Tankspot ( http://www.tankspot.com ). Si vous vous demandez combien de hit rating vous avez de besoin pour pouvoir être "hit capped". C'est a dire ne jamais rater une attaque blanche (non-magique) sur un boss level 73. EN CONSTRUCTION POUR LES BOSS LEVEL 83
Some information about +Hit and Expertise:

Any player or mob has a 5% base chance to miss.

Any mob has a 5% base chance each to dodge, parry and block.

A player hitting another player, or a mob hitting a player, only gets 0.04% miss chance per point difference.

+hit is the only way to reduce miss chances.
Agility and Intelligence do NOT help to-hit.

Expertise is the only way to reduce parry and dodge chances.

Miss and Dodge chance can all be dropped to 0% (unless you're a caster, then miss chance can only drop to 1%). Theoretically speaking, Parry can be dropped to 0% as well, but at a much higher cost to Expertise.

Applying these formulas gives the following base miss rate against the appropriate mob level:

v. Level 70 mob: 5.0%
v. Level 71 mob: 5.5%
v. Level 72 mob: 6.0%
v. Level 73 mob: 9.0%

Also, in applying these miss rate formulas, fractional Skill levels are dropped, not rounded. So, say you have are a Level 70 character, and you equip a piece of gear that gives +15 Expertise Rating. In theory, this equates to 3.8 +Expertise. And, in theory, Blizzard could have used the fractional .8 in its subsequent calculations of hit and miss, or, perhaps, rounded it to 4.0. But it doesn’t work that way. Instead, the fractional .8 Expertise is simply dropped altogether. You get 3 Expertise for purposes of all Parry and Dodge calculations.

Melee Hit Rating

Base Melee Miss (Dual-Wielding): 28%
Base Melee Miss (2H/1H+Shield/Special Attacks): 9%
Base Ranged Miss: 9%
Hit % = hit rating / 15.8

For example, as a Druid, my weapons (claws, paws, whatever) are considered Two-Handed. Therefore, I need to get 9% worth of hit rating, which is equal to 9 * 15.8 = 142 hit rating, in order to never miss the boss. Hit rating beyond 142 is not useful. After hitting 142 hit rating, I should concentrate on other stats that will boost my attack power and critical hit rating to increase my DPS.

For dual-wielding, the 28% miss chance applies to both Main-Hand and Off-Hand weapons. However, special attacks, such as Backstab, only have a 9% miss rate (142 Hit Rating). For most classes though, regular melee damage is a significant portion of your total DPS.

Unlike spells, when you reach your hit rating cap, your attacks will never miss. Melee attacks can still be dodged or parried. Melee attacks can only be parried if you are in front of the mob.

The following is the amount of hit rating you need to minimize misses for raid boss fights, depending on your class and talents.

Druid (Melee)

Base: 142

Rogue (Dual-Wield)

Base: 442
w/ Precision: 363

Rogue (Special Attacks)

Base: 142
w/ Precision: 63

Hunter WOTLK

SANS Focused Aim: 297 hit rating

AVEC Focused Aim: 198 hit rating

Shaman (Dual-wield)

Base: 442
w/ Dual Wield Specialization: 348
w/ Nature's Guidance: 395
w/ Dual Wield Specialization + Nature's Guidance: 300

Shaman (Two-Handed/One-Hand + Shield/Special Attacks)

Base: 142
w/ Nature's Guidance: 95

Warrior (Dual-wield)

Base: 442
w/ Precision: 395

Warrior (Two-Handed/One-Hand + Shield/Special Attacks)

Base: 142
w/ Precision: 95

Paladin (Melee)

Base: 142
w/ Precision: 95

Other Factors

Hunter/Paladin/Warrior Draenai Aura: -15.8 hit rating needed
Druid Improved Faerie Fire (Balance): -47 hit rating needed

Spell Hit Rating

Base Spell Miss: 16%
Spell Hit % = spell hit rating / 12.6

Spells actually have a 17% chance to miss against bosses, but you cannot eliminate that last 1%, so the effective cap is 16%.

Spell chance to miss against Same Level PVP is 3%.

The following is the amount of spell hit rating you need to minimize misses for raid boss fights, depending on your class and talents.


Base: 202
w/ Elemental Precision (Fire/Frost): 164
w/ Arcane Focus (Arcane): 76


Base: 202
w/ Suppression (Affliction): 76

Note that a warlock might still want extra spell hit rating for Shadowbolt and Soulshatter, in which case Suppression becomes redundant.


Base: 202
w/ Shadow Focus (Shadow): 76
w/ Focused Power (Smite, Mind Blast, Mass Dispel): 152
w/ Shadow Focus + Focused Power (Mind Blast): 26

Druid (Spell)

Base: 202
w/ Balance of Power: 152

Shaman (Spell)

Base: 202
w/ Elemental Precision: 126
w/ Nature's Guidance: 164
w/ Elemental Precision + Nature's Guidance: 88

Paladin (Spell)

Base: 202
w/ Precision: 164

Other Factors

Mage/Priest/Shaman Draenai Aura: -12.6 spell hit rating needed
Shaman Totem of Wrath: -38 spell hit rating needed

Désolé pour la langue englaise. Voici le lien complet de l'article. Il parle aussi de l'expertise (qui sert a ne pas se faire dodger ou parry) entre autre.


Dernière édition par Mom le Mer 26 Nov - 12:57, édité 3 fois
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Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2008
Age : 50

Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!   Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov - 11:11

Faudra mettre à jour les données pour le level 80 Smile

Pour les Hunters, le hit à viser dans les raids:

SANS Focused Aim: 297 hit rating

AVEC Focused Aim: 198 hit rating

Source: WoWWiki
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Date d'inscription : 28/11/2008
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Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!   Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Icon_minitimeMar 2 Déc - 14:03

Hit refers to physical damage that occurs as a result of an attack made with melee or ranged weapons. The chance to hit increases by 1% per 32.77 hit rating points at level 80, 15.77 hit rating points at level 70 and 10 hit rating points at level 60. The base chance to miss with maximum weapon skill against an opponent of equal level is 5% for two handed and 24% for dual wield. With patch 3.0, both hit and spell hit use the same basic hit rating attribute within the combat rating system, although the similarity largely ends there - they are effectively distinct attributes derived from the same rating.

Contents [hide]
1 Calculating miss rate
2 Hit rating cap
2.1 All melee
2.2 Paladins
2.3 Rogues
2.4 Shaman
2.5 Warriors
2.6 Hunters
2.7 Death Knight
3 Auto attacks (one roll table)
4 Special attacks (two roll table)
5 Enhancers
5.1 Enchantments
5.2 Gems
5.3 Cooking
6 Wrath of the Lich King Changes
6.1 Paladin
7 See also
8 External links

Calculating miss rate If the difference between the mob's Defense Skill and your Weapon Skill is less than or equal to 10 then the formula for calculating your base miss rate against that mob is:

with two-hander: 5% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill)*.1%
with dual-wielding: 24% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill)*.1%
If the difference between the mob's Defense Skill and your Weapon Skill is greater than 10, then the formula for calculating your base miss rate against that mob is:

with two-hander: 7% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill - 10)*.4%
with dual-wielding: 26% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill - 10)*.4%
Applying these formulas gives the following base miss rate for a Level 80 character with a 400 Weapon Skill:

v. Level 80 mob: 5.0% / dual-wield: 24%
v. Level 81 mob: 5.5% / dual-wield: 24.5%
v. Level 82 mob: 6.0% / dual-wield: 25%
v. Level 83 mob: 9.0% / dual-wield: 28%
v. 32.77 hit rating reduces your chance to miss by 1%
Thus if you are a Level 80 character with a Weapon Skill of 400, you need a Hit Rating of 295 (9.00%) to never miss a shot against a Level 83 boss (or skull mob) with a special attack or single-wield auto-attack. What this means is that there is a big +hit benefit to keeping your Weapon Skill within 10 levels of the mobs you are trying to fight. For example, by improving your Weapon Skill from 390 to 395, you effectively reduce your chance to miss against Level 81 mobs by 3%! However, after getting to 395, increasing your Weapon Skill the next 5 levels, to 400, only reduces your chance to miss by an additional 0.5% (or 3.5% in total). Also, note that there is a huge jump in miss rate reduction by going from 394 to 395 Weapon Skill. This is the point where you switch from one formula to the other, and so this particular single point of Weapon Skill is worth a dramatic +1.4% hit against a Level 83 mob/boss.

Melee attacks divide into two categories: auto-attacks (white) and special attacks (yellow). Auto-attacks use a one roll table and special attacks use a two roll table. Base chance to miss is the same for both auto-attacks and special attacks. Attacking a mob from behind removes parry and block from both tables, provided the attack is more than 0.5 yards away.

Hit rating cap In the context of stats, the term "cap" refers to the point at which equipping more of a particular stat will have no additional value. For hit rating the cap usually discussed is in regards to raid bosses. For example, once you reach or surpass the hit cap, you will never miss an attack against a raid boss unless you are under the effect of some debuff that reduces your hit chance (for example, Attumen the Huntsman's curse).

As shown above, your base chance to miss a raid boss while dual wielding is 28% with auto-attack on both hands. Your base chance to miss a special attack is 9%. For each 15.77 hit rating you equip, you reduce your chance to miss by 1%. Thus we can calculate hit caps for auto-attack and special attacks:

All melee Dual-wield auto-attack: 918 hit rating
Special attack or Single-wield auto-attack: 295 hit rating
Hit Rating Required Per 1%
Level 60 Level 70 Level 80
10 15.77 32.77
Paladins Human, Dwarf, Blood-Elf

Level Hit Cap
80 295
70 142


Level Hit Cap
80 262
70 126

Heroic Presence (Draenei racial ability) 1%
Rogues Dual-wield auto-attack, with 5/5 Precision (Rogue talent):
Level Hit Cap
80 754
70 362

Special attack, with 5/5 Precision (Rogue talent):
Level Hit Cap
80 131
70 63
Shaman Dual-wield auto-attack
With 3/3 Dual Wield Specialization:
Level Hit Cap
80 721
70 347

Dual-wield special attack
With 3/3 Dual Wield Specialization:
Level Hit Cap
80 98
70 47

Single-wield auto-attack / special attack
(Dual Wield Specialization does not affect single wield attacks)
Level Hit Cap
80 295
70 142

Please note: When using dual Windfury, special attacks (Stormstrike and Windfury procs) should account for at least 30% of a Shaman's damage. Since this is hit capped from talents alone, hit rating is less valuable than stats which apply to all damage, such as crit rating, expertise rating and AP. There are raiding Shaman putting out extremely high DPS with hit chances as low as 14%.

Warriors Dual-wield auto-attack, with 3/3 Precision (Warrior talent):
Level Hit Cap
80 820
70 395

Special attack or Single-wield auto-attack with 3/3 Precision (Warrior talent):
Level Hit Cap
80 197
70 95
Hunters Special attack or ranged auto-attack, Hit cap and with Focused Aim
Level Hit Cap 1/3 2/3 3/3
80 295 262 230 197
70 142 126 111 95

Death Knight Level Hit Cap
80 295
70 142

When raiding remember to take in account:

The presence of a Draenei in your party (not just raid; it is still party-only). Their Heroic Presence racial ability gives +1% chance to hit with attacks thus enabling you to swap 32.77 points of hit rating for more useful stats.
Hit Rating Required Per 1%
Level 60 Level 70 Level 80
10 15.77 32.77
Auto attacks (one roll table) Each melee auto attack made by characters against mobs will result in one of the following in order of precedence:

Glancing blow
Critical strike

Hit chance doesn't work by increasing the amount of "Hit" on this table. Instead, it works by decreasing the amount of miss.

Critical strike chance "fills in" the hit chance portion of this table. Crit is "capped" when the crit chance exceeds the amount of hit chance on the table. Until we reach that cap, hit chance has NO affect on crit chance. For example: maximum dual wielding weapon skill, chance to hit 0% and chance to critical strike 50%. Dual wield auto attacking a raid boss from behind results in a loss of 8.6% critical strike:

Result Chance
Miss 28%
Dodge 5.6%
Glancing blow 25%
Critical strike 41.4%
Hit 0%

Increase chance to hit to 10% and decrease chance to critical strike to 45% results in no loss of critical strike:

Result Chance
Miss 18%
Dodge 5.6%
Glancing blow 25%
Critical strike 45%
Hit 6.4%

It is actually quite difficult to be crit capped without trying. This is one reason why it's important to maintain a balance of stats, and not to "stack" any one stat indiscriminately.

Special attacks (two roll table) Each melee special attack made by characters against mobs will result in one of the following in order of precedence:


If the result is block or hit, then a second roll occurs to determine critical strike as follows:

Block: roll for blocked hit or blocked critical strike
Hit: roll for hit or critical strike
Increased hit rating can result in increased critical strike results from special attacks upon exceeding the base 9% chance to miss. For example: maximum weapon skill (350 at level 70), chance to hit 0% and chance to critical strike 25%. Special attacking a raid boss (level 73 and 365 defense) from behind results 21.35% critical strike (25% of 85.4%). Increase chance to hit to 10% results in 23.6% critical strike (25% of 94.4%).

Note: It is possible and even likely that even yellow attacks use a one roll table, as the white attacks explain above.

Enhancers Enchantments [Enchant Boots - Surefooted]
[Falcon's Call]
[Glyph of Ferocity]
[Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes] (This is the altered version of Spell Strike)
Gems It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Spell hit rating gems.
Please see the discussion page for reasoning.

Color Name Effect(s)
Yellow [Rigid Bladestone] +12 Hit Rating
[Rigid Lionseye] +10 Hit Rating
[Rigid Dawnstone] +8 Hit Rating
[Rigid Golden Draenite] +6 Hit Rating
[Rigid Amber] +4 Hit Rating
Orange [Etched Fire Opal] +4 Hit Rating +5 Strength
[Glinting Pyrestone] +5 Hit Rating +5 Agility
[Glinting Fire Opal] +4 Hit Rating +5 Agility
[Glinting Noble Topaz] +4 Hit Rating +4 Agility
[Glinting Flame Spessarite] +3 Hit Rating +3 Agility
[Nimble Fire Opal] +4 Hit Rating +5 Dodge Rating
[Pristine Fire Opal] +4 Hit Rating +10 Attack Power
Cooking [Spicy Hot Talbuk] adds 20 Hit for 30 minutes.

Wrath of the Lich King Changes It will take 32.77 rating to acquire a 1% increase in chance to Hit, which raises the caps (untalented) to

Dual Wield - 918
Single Attack/Special Attack - 295
Paladin Precision (Paladin talent) talent in the protection tree has been removed. Paladins will need 295 points of hit to be hit capped.
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Messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2008
Age : 53

Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!   Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Icon_minitimeMar 2 Déc - 19:23

Belle job, mainque j'aille du temps m'a mettre a jour avec vos info!
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Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)!   Hit rating (ou comment optimiser son dps contre les boss de raid)! Icon_minitime

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